Food Idea #1

As part of my walking mantra I believe we should “eat real and get walking” so I’m going to share with you some of my favourite foods that are quick to make and generally very nutritious and absolutely flavourful. I usually try to make bigger portions so that I can have leftovers for lunches or to freeze for a day I’m too busy to cook.

Roasted Root Vegetables

Having teenage kids who love mac and cheese (home-made version) I love to add some roasted veggies on the side. Beets, sweet potatoes and carrots are a good combination – all high in vitamin A, C, magnesium and dietary fiber which are known to help fight cancer, diabetes, obesity and things like hearth disease and arthritis. Root vegetables are also known to be low in calories and have a low glycemic index – helps keep you full longer. Plus they are delicious and so easy to prepare. Choose any combination of root vegetable you like.

Simply peal, chop then drizzle with olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar and salt. Roast in the oven at about 350 degree F for 20-40 mins depending on how large a portion you make. Eat it on its own, with Mac and Cheese or even topped with a bit of goat cheese.

It’s delicious mixed into your kid’s mac and cheese (using good cheese is the key to making this more grown up).