Speed Walk Toronto News – January 13th, 2017

January can be a very trying month for numerous reasons including the ever changing weather. Being a walker I have become obsessed with checking the weather app. Last Tuesday’s snow, slush then rain counts as one of the more challenging days as the weather was constantly shifting…but still we had a walking class (albeit it was shortened!). I’m constantly impressed with the dedication of walkers willing to dress for any weather and come out to train.

For those of you looking for motivation to reach your 2017 goals I’ve added Toronto race information to my website in the ”Speed Walk Toronto Blog” section (of course there are many more than I have listed). Be sure to check before January 24th as there are some early bird prices. At this point I plan to register for The Toronto Waterfront 10km June 17th (in the Walk category).
I would like to offer a free guided walk with the purpose of building endurance for a longer distance at a consistent pace (8-10km distance). This would be a group walk on the last Sunday of the month. Please e-mail me if you would be interested. My proposal would be to meet outside Timothy’s at Bloor/Armadale at 8:30 a.m. and head to the lake or along the Humber River. If you are not presently signed up with Speedwalktoronto you are still welcome as are your friends and family.

Exercise and food go hand in hand in so many respects. We need to make sure we get all the right nutrients to fuel us for life in general as well as for our walks. I’m a big supporter of home cooking so on my website blog you will find various posts for easy nutritious meal ideas. Please send me any of your ‘go to’ easy meals that I can share.

I am always happy to hear which walks/drills you prefer (yes there are those who favour up-hills!) so they can be included in class.

Safe Walking,


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